User using video to proqa

Meet the Most Advanced Emergency Caller Connection Tool Ever Created

See how Video to ProQA gets your Emergency Dispatchers connected to emergency callers with just the click of a button.

Eyes on the Scene with the Click of a Button

Video to ProQA gives your Emergency Dispatcher more information with eyes on the scene through live video feed straight from the emergency caller’s smartphone. Once help is on the way, just the click of a button starts the simple process of getting professional eyes on the scene to create potentially better outcomes for emergency callers, empower First Responders with the best possible information, and give everyone involved the highest possible amount of situational awareness.

Video to ProQA lets emergency callers communicate the way many today prefer – by sharing live video.

Manatee County dispatcher working

Bring your agency up to date

Create the Highest Level of Safety

More information gathered by your Emergency Dispatcher creates better scene safety and a more informed response. With the Emergency Dispatcher’s eyes on the scene, your First Responders are less likely to encounter surprises.

Give Emergency Dispatchers Control of the Scene

Emergency Dispatchers are the first first responders, and a live video feed makes that easier than ever before. With the live feed, Emergency Dispatchers can more capably control the scene, gather information for First Responders en route, and provide potentially life-saving instructions to callers. With their eyes on the scene, the argument for reclassification of Emergency Dispatchers as First Responders is even stronger.

Connect with Your Community the Way They Want

The prevalence of smartphones has made video calling a given across many industries. Video to ProQA brings your center or agency up to date and meets your community’s expectations.

Enhanced Location Data Makes Response Easier

When an emergency caller agrees to share their video feed, they also agree to sending location and metadata that make locating the scene of the emergency easier than ever before.

See Video to ProQA in Action

Don’t just take our word for it – see how it works in ProQA.

Questions? We have answers.

Won’t this distract my Emergency Dispatchers?

Video to ProQA can only be turned on once help has been dispatched. With help on the way, your Emergency Dispatcher can provide Pre-Arrival Instructions and Post-Dispatch Instructions that are informed by the video feed, while also gathering more complete scene information to give to First Responders.

Will footage from the scene disturb Emergency Dispatchers?

When the emergency caller agrees to share their video, the feed is blurred until the Emergency Dispatcher opts to unblur it. Often, the reality of a scene is less disturbing than what the imagination might fill in.

Is this safe for the caller?

Communication center leadership can dictate which situations are appropriate for sharing video and which aren’t. Emergency Dispatchers will have the power to use their expertise and judgment to ascertain the safety of the caller sharing their video feed.

Is this an approved part of the protocol?

Video to ProQA is an approved part of the IAED’s protocols across all disciplines.